A selection of testimonials from people we have worked with…
Social worker (Children & Families Team)
“ Hubs & Co were always accessible to me as the front line social worker, we had meetings where I was able to reflect and discuss my concerns and formulate a plan of support and enable them to inform me of their plan moving forwards. They provided regular sessions with the mother and also included the children. In my view the support was incredibly effective and very supportive of the social care plan. It enabled us to move forward to a positive future for the family… I appreciate your help and support especially when times were really hard and in crisis. It gave me the opportunity to vent and express my thoughts and frustrations … which really helped me in my role. I am pleased we made positive changes for the family … I appreciate the additional time and effort that was made with (Dad) and I hope I can build my professional relationship with him.”
Manager (Children & Families)
“Hubs and Co were commissioned to provide an alternative service to support direct therapeutic support to both children and their families… existing provision .. were unable to provide support to a particular family in a reunification plan. Both services identified the situation to be in crisis and felt the risk was too high to provide a service. Hubs and Co were able to support the whole family by taking a strength based approach to what was working well and implemented direct support. Hubs have enabled social care to step down with the reunification being successful.
I have found Hubs and Co refreshing in that their approach is to find a solution to fit the needs of every individual family and child they work with. They do not come with a predefined set of tools and strategies and fit the support to those but identify what a family require and develop therapy to meet these specific requirements.
Hubs and Co provide a value of overachieving for the expected spend. I have found them to go above what is expected and they have never closed a case and chose to find alternative methods of engagements and remain persistent as they firmly believe in their methods and will adapt.
All conversations are held within a safe space and are honest. Unlike some other services they have never overpromised and underdelivered when I have procured their provision. I have been extremely satisfied with the work they have provided …”
Social worker (Children & Families Team)
“It has been brilliant working with Hubs and Co to explore potential reunification for a young person in the care of the LA; I am really grateful for the support from the team in a situation where it felt that there were no other avenues to explore. The team have been open, honest, and realistic about what the work with the family would look like. They have been able to engage the young person and his wider family in accessible, meaningful work and have provided a high level of reflective support to the professional network.”
“Personally, for myself Hubs & Co were hired to take the lead on the reunification of my children back into my care and it was very successful. The support I received was amazing… and I cannot recommend Hubs & Co highly enough…The support was outstanding by both [ISW and psychologist]. For myself, the first time in this process I felt I was heard and empowered in the process of having my children returned back to my care.”
“[Hubs & Co] Helped give me ideas and choices on managing my son helped me understand his issues and my own issues better and see what was holding me back.. [ISW] was absolutely amazing understanding easy to work with and talk to, she helped me so much. I really appreciate everything the team have done to help me and my little family.”
Manager of Children’s Residential Home